plot Plot of point cloud.
  * Only active points are visualized.
  1 ['Color', color]
    Color of the points. The following choices are possible:
      * Unicolor (format = 'ColorName'):
        A single color is used for all points, e.g. 'yellow'. For possible 
        values, look for 'ColorSpec' in the documentation.
      * Attribute (format = 'A.AttributeName'):
        Coloring according to an attribute, e.g. 'A.roughness'.
        Additionally, the following choices are possible:
          * 'A.x'  : coloring according to x coordinate
          * 'A.y'  : coloring according to y coordinate
          * 'A.z'  : coloring according to z coordinate
          * 'A.rgb': true color plot using the attributes r, g and b.
  2 ['MarkerSize', markerSize]
    Marker size of points.
  3 ['MaxPoints', maxPoints]
    Maximum number of points to plot. If the point cloud contains more than
    maxPoi points, the points for plotting are randomly sampled among all
  4 ['ColormapName', colormapName]
    Name of colormap defined as char (e.g. 'jet'). For possible values, look for
    'colormap' in the documentation. Additionally, for visualization of classes,
    the colormap 'classpal' can be used.
    (This parameter is only considered for attribute dependent plots.)
  5 ['CAxisLim', cAxisLim]
    Limits of colorbar defined as vector with 2 elements.
    (This parameter is only considered for attribute dependent plots.)
  1 Import a point cloud and plot points according to z coordinate (default).
    pc = pointCloud('');
  2 Unicolor plot.
    pc = pointCloud('');
    pc.plot('Color', 'red');
  3 Plot all points of a point cloud.
    pc = pointCloud('');
    pc.plot('MaxPoints', Inf);
  4 Plot only 1000 points of a point cloud with increased point size.
    pc = pointCloud('');
    pc.plot('MaxPoints', 1000, 'MarkerSize', 10);
  5 Plot points according to true color attributes r, g and b.
    pc = pointCloud('', 'Attributes', {'r' 'g' 'b'});
    pc.plot('Color', 'A.rgb', 'MarkerSize', 5);
  6 Plot points colored by an imported attribute.
    pc = pointCloud('', 'Attributes', {'nx' 'ny' 'nz' 'roughness'});
    % Note: the imported attributes are saved as fields in the structure pc.A,
    % e.g. the roughness is saved in pc.A.roughness.
    pc.plot('Color', 'A.roughness');